Next Year in the White House: Barack Obama’s First Presidential Seder

Illustrated by E.B. Lewis
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The true story of how a small Seder dinner on the campaign trail inspired Barack Obama to bring the tradition into the White House and host the first ever Presidential Passover celebration.

In 1800, President John Adams held the first formal Christmas dinner at
the newly built White House. In 1878, President Rutherford B. Hayes
observed Easter with a public “Egg Roll.” But it wasn’t until 2009 that a US president officially celebrated Passover.

A year earlier, on the campaign trail, three staffers had to get creative in order to host a Seder dinner. They gathered in a hotel basement, joined by candidate Barack Obama. They made the most of their surroundings and modest dinner, shared the stories and rituals of the holiday, and found connections between their communities. They made a toast and a promise to a future, grander celebration: next year in the White House.

For the first time, this story is told for picture book readers by award-winning author Richard Michelson and lauded illustrator EB Lewis in this special partnership with PJ Library.

“This elegantly told, behind-the-scenes peek at a momentous historical occasion is simultaneously intimate and solemn, balancing a vision for a more inclusive America with an authentic portrayal of the meaning and rituals of Passover…Essential reading for all children—and adults—who hope for freedom for all.”
—Kirkus Review  Starred review

“Michelson goes back to 2008 …for a Passover seder….that brought descendants of two enslaved peoples together to share a meal and celebrate their historical liberation. …At its heart…’it’s about the family you have and the family you make.'”
BooklistStarred review

Richard Michelson’s writing is thought provoking, lively and packed with themes of hope and resilience…”
Celebrate Picture Books

March 30, 2025

‘Next Year in the White House’: Children’s book tells story of Obama’s 2008 Passover Seder by Staasi Heropoulos – March 30, 2025

February 27, 2025

Simply 7 with Richard Michelson: NEXT YEAR IN THE WHITE HOUSE from Jena Benton – February 27, 2025

March 6, 2025

Interview with Richard Michelson, author of Next Year in the White House: Barack Obama’s First Presidential Seder – from Jewish Books for Kids.

March 18, 2025

In was April, 2008. A small group of tired, homesick campaign staffers are quickly trying to put together a small Passover Seder. And who walks in…then-Senator Barack Obama. And thus began a meaningful journey to the first Seder ever held in the White House, by the first African American President of the United States, organized by one of those original campaign staffers, Eric Lesser.

This remarkable story is re-told in the just released children’s book, Next Year in the White House by Richard Michelson and this week Rabbi Pont got to catch up with Richard and Eric for a fascinating conversation. A perfect pre-Passover listen!